Improving Your Garden with Organic Soil Amendments

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By using organic soil amendments, you can turn poor garden soil into a nutrient-rich paradise. What do we mean by "soil amendments"? What are some great soil amendments? Here is a brief overview listing some of the best amendments for your garden!

Which Nutrients Do Plants Need?

Organic Soil Amendments

Organic soil amendments are a great natural alternative to chemical fertilizers, but before adding anything to your soil, you should perform a soil test to see what's already there. After testing, you'll know exactly which elements you need to add—and that's where soil amendments come in. Read more about preparing your soil for planting here.

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Mineral Supplements

Organic Nutrient Meals


How do you add soil amendments and how much is appropriate. Get a free or low-cost soil test. This will be your guide when adding fertilizers and amendments to your soil. Too much of a good thing is worse than not enough, so don't overdo it. The idea is to feed the soil, not the plants. Remember: healthy soil makes for healthy plants!

Which soil amendments do you use in your garden? Let us know in the comments!